More on Attitude

A friend just posted this quote from Zig Ziglar on her LinkedIn profile:
“You cannot tailor make the situations in life, but you can tailor make the attitudes to fit those situations before they arise.”

This has been a tremendous learning for me, and I have to say, I’m still not totally there. Often an event happens I react (as I always have done), then I have a conscious “attitude check” – which goes something along the lines of “OK Fiona, you know you can choose how you react to xyz, pull yourself together, what would be a helpful way to react to turn this into a positive…… brain cogs turning….. and turning some more…… ahhhhhh”. Now, this process only takes a moment, and that moment can make all the difference between a tiny event turning my day into one I’d rather forget or that same tiny event being “mastered” by me and quickly turned into something good.

For example a week ago a friend forgot to turn up for a coffee meeting in town, I’d already missed the train and had to get the bus into town, so things had not got off to a good start. When she texted me to tell me she wasn’t going to make it, I got cross, started running through a blame framework (blaming myself and the friend)….. and then I stopped and reframed the whole event….. “Hey, I’m in town on my own, I can check out the bookshop, have a peaceful coffee on my own (usually I have the kids with me and it’s anything but peaceful) and recharge my batteries.” I did all of this, had a fabulous time, cleared my mind and had a great day.

I’m still practising the great attitude in advance….. I know what it should be and with more practice it will no doubt hard wire into my system.

Go easy on yourself, and have a great day 😉

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I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you can change your attitude and the knock on effects this has had for you.

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Attitude, Awareness and Awesome things

This is taken from a new talk on TED by Neil Pasricha who has a wonderful blog called 1000 Awesome Things.  It’s a pretty inspiring talk and a great website.  Both are worth a few minutes of your time.  He reckons that there are three important things in life (and I reckon he’s not wrong), this is my take on what those three things are:

  • attitude – a great attitude makes everything better for you and for everyone around you.  Look for the positive and the positive will find you.
  • awareness – savour the moment and live in it, you can be certain of nothing other than NOW.
  • authenticity – know who you are and be true to yourself.  (If you don’t know who you are, then find out 😉


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New Year, New Revelations, New Resolutions

As the Christmas Holidays have flown by it has again been a time when people talk about New Years Resolutions……. and how often they are broken. It seems to me that the keeping of resolutions is in some kind of proportion to how often you make them. If they are a once a year thing then they are not likely to survive more than a couple of days….. I have already read on Facebook of friends resetting their NY resolution start dates ‘cos they’ve already broken them…… and it’s the 2nd Jan; I have to ask, what is the point? Seems to be a kind of game we play with ourselves.

When we make goal setting a habit however we tend to put in place supporting habits, like anchoring, affirmations, setting aside time to complete things and telling people about our resolutions (in a way which suggests an intention to carry them through rather than as a joke).

When goal setting is a habit then there is the possibility for setting new goals on a regular basis, and of course one of the key things about setting goals is to recognise the achievement of them and celebrate…. so if you achieve more goals you get more celebrations, you feel better about setting goals, you do it more often, you celebrate more often and life becomes one long celebration!!! Great. One big Win-Win situation if you ask me.

What about making the New Year a time to be more open to New Year Revelations as well;  open up to what might be out there and recognise what is already there and what might be when you change slightly the way you are.  I’ve been listening to Judith Deloizier who has heaps of interesting revelations to make.  One thing which I will be doing in the New Year is following this advice:

When you meet someone you really don’t like take a step back and notice what is  resonating, what is the human spark, when you see their reflection and you see yours and it is really beautiful….. and when you meet someone you really don’t like, take a step closer and ask the same question…. What of myself am I seeing in this person?  This is when you really grow.

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